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6 Questions With Farmers Cup’s Joshua Caruso

6 Questions With Farmers Cup's Joshua Caruso
1.) How do see the local cannabis space shaping up in 2023? 
The California cannabis space continues to be a roller-coaster ride in 2023. Alot of turmoil but I am still thinking positively about the future.

2.) Encinitas is now onboard with 4 licenses awarded. Do you see the adjacent coastal cities jumping in?

Yes I do believe that the coastal areas will follow suit especially the ones that are cash strapped and see tax revenue from cannabis businesses. I am hoping Del Mar is one of them.

3.) 2022 saw CannaCraft and March and Ash team up, Cannabist and THC SD about to be Cresco properties. Will we see more of this?

This is a trend that we will see a lot more of this year and next. A lot of companies are trying to stay in business and sometimes that means partnering with competition or larger enterprises. Also going vertical might be the only way companies will have a fighting chance in this volatile market.

4.) What was your journey to launch Farmers Cup? Any other projects you’d like to share?

Farmers Cup started off as a competition part of our San Diego Cannabis Farmers Market events in the prop 215 days. Started in 2014 and went steady until 2018 when recreational laws activated restrictions for doing cannabis events. So we had to rethink how to continue to move forward while staying compliant and than COVID hit. 2020 we launched our first Virtual Cannabis Competition and it was a hit with people stuck at home with nothing to do. Fresh after the pandemic we started with our in person events and getting back to the norm. For any future projects stay tuned as we will announce as they come to a reality…

5.) Farmers Cup collabs with so many great organizations. Who are your mentors in the San Diego Cannabis market?

Our mentors are too many to name but we cherish every relationship and connection we have made over the years and give the utmost honor and respect to those who paved the way.
6.) What do you have no time for (but would love to see someone create?)
1. Equal and easier access to cannabis business ownership.
2. A stable cannabis industry
3. World Peace
The next Farmers Cup is slated for February 25 in San Diego.
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